Master Mixing Career and Fun

What a busy world we live in! How do you pack it all into 24 hour day? Get personal with Melanie Roum, who wears many hats. Wife, entrepreneur, movie lover, social worker, sister, daughter, aunt, sponsor, advertiser...All kinds of hats to discuss here! Some will say I think too much, and I'm intense, so read on!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Entrepreneurial Qualities

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Hi! You're listening to Melanie Roum, author of Master Mixing Career and

I'd like to think that most folks who listen and read here are entrepreneurs. I found an article that discusses some of the qualities of
an entrepreneur.

Some of these qualities are:
1. Creative
2. A risk taker
3. Thinks outside of the box
4. Thinks towards the future

Another point brought up by Allison Gaea Jucha is that entrepreneurs have a quality that is negative. We tend to have too many irons in the fire at once! We have so many great ideas and want to work all of them. So we get scattered, and become unproductive. Then, our projects are not the quality they could be, and we end up feeling like we didn't achieve the vision we saw.

My challenge is to myself and to you. Get yourself focused on just a few projects. I'm not saying to dump the rest of your ideas, except maybe onto a Long Term GoaL list. Give your time to the ideas you feel most passionate about, or the ones you realistically have the resources to accomplish.

And on the light side, I'd like to welcome the newest member of the family! Willie arrived yesterday afternoon and he is a very happy baby. Our little bitty Chihuahua is settling in quickly to his new home. He really likes his bed and new chewy rope. We are hoping he learns to use the papers really soon! I'll be posting some pictures if I can get the digital camera from Mom!

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