Master Mixing Career and Fun

What a busy world we live in! How do you pack it all into 24 hour day? Get personal with Melanie Roum, who wears many hats. Wife, entrepreneur, movie lover, social worker, sister, daughter, aunt, sponsor, advertiser...All kinds of hats to discuss here! Some will say I think too much, and I'm intense, so read on!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Movie Trivia

My dear husband (DH hereafter) and I rented an old movie that I had never seen before. I heard things about this movie that made me not want to watch it. For example "There is hardly any talking in it." How about this comment? "It isn't normal!" So, I began to watch with mucn trepidation. Of course, Dale, my DH, had seen it before and only laughed. All these symbols caused several gut reactions.

I really have this identification with the main character. His primal and cellural level desire for acceptance rang so true to me. I think I've felt all the feelings he did. The movie got too up close and personal for me. I can't say I really understood it, but it brought up some very powerful emotions.

Because of this mixture of emotion, it was hard to focus on all the ideas in the movie. And I just can't figure out what those endless hammers mean?

Can you guess what this movie is? Can you tell me what the hammer means? The trivia answer is easy to get! Just syndicate this site. Later today, what does all this up close and personal gushy mushy stuff have to do with entrepreneurship??? I have my theories and plan to blog all about it in the days ahead.

Meanwhile, a note on the Presidential Debates last night. Here is the transcript from NPR. I still believe in Bush. Kerry is contradiction city, especially when he starts blathering about his personal beliefs and not pushing them on others. He's spineless, and I could never trust him as my President. I think you should stand up for something and it should show in how you live and how you act. It is right to say that something is right or wrong!

On with life!


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